Orange, Blood
It's deep red-orange inside, like a moon-lit sunset streaked with deep red wine.
The dark colour is due to the presence of 'anthocyanins'. These are pigments common in many flowers as well. The pigment starts developing from the peel edges down the segments and into the flesh. So the flesh has a streaky, tie-dyed look of blood red and orange.
If you thought Cara Cara and Navels were good at peeling, try these. You'll zoom through it in no time. :)
- Freshest in August to October (late winter and spring).
- Good for raw in salads or any dish to add beautiful colour, 'car fuel' and school snacks (easy to peel), juicing, grating and cooking (try a dessert of these oranges with dark chocolate...delish!).
- Store in fridge crisper. Place cut orange segments in airtight container before chilling.